Welcoming You!
Why visit us?

If you're new here, we can answer a few questions to help you when you arrive! 

  • What is it like? 
    • When you arrive you will be greeted with friendly faces and kind people that want to know you, care for you, and love you.
  • What about my kids?
    • We have a kids seated section with stuffed animals and activity sets.
  • Where do I park?
    • We have a large parking lot on the corner of Walnut St and NE 1st St. There is handicap parking in front of the sanctuary entrance on Meridian St.
  • What do I wear?
    • Please dress comfortably. We say dress in your Sunday best which is different for everyone.
  • How can I get connected?
    • You can talk to the ushers/greeters Sunday morning about getting connected or email christ_umc@sbcglobal.net to get started today!